Visit the Lodge

We welcome all Elks travelers! The Lodge is easily accessible from either North or Southbound I-5. We have become a great stopover for RVers traveling to and from Southern California, Arizona, Washington & Oregon.

The Red Bluff Elk's Lodge is located 135 miles North of Sacramento and 125 miles South of the Oregon border on Interstate 5. No matter which direction you are coming, take the second RED BLUFF exit #649. Next, head West on Antelope Blvd./Hwy.36 West to the first stop light. From here, go left (South) on Gilmore Road to the end and the Elk's Lodge parking lot.

Elk's Lodge No. 1250
355 Gilmore Rd
Red Bluff, CA 96080-3513
(530)527-3421 (Lodge)
(530)527-3421 (Office)